This was drawn by Aberystwyth Artist Alecia Jackson for Retiremutt

After digitising the original drawing, adding in the Dyfed-Powys Police Badge and our established Retiremutt bits, we get the new Logo

This was drawn by Aberystwyth Artist Alecia Jackson for Retiremutt
Retiremutt is an organisation set up in 2016 to assist with the retirement of Dyfed Powys Police Dogs. We wanted to raise money to assist with the dogs welfare once retired from active service.
Historically when Police dogs retire, they either remain with their handlers, or are kindly re-homed by caring members of the public, friends, family and colleagues, either way there is no care package, or pension available for these dogs. As you are aware Police Dogs are vital within certain aspects of the work of the Police Service and our dogs give the best years of their lives, protecting and serving, the public in our force area.
In Dyfed Powys we tend to retire our dogs on ill health, as opposed to at a certain age, this is generally about the age of 8-10 years old, but on occasions they have been much younger.
Our vision is to establish a fund in order to support the dogs when they retire. We want to ensure that those taking on the dogs are fully supported if the dog becomes sick and requires veterinary care/treatment.